Friday, May 22, 2015

second grade

Second grade.  Mrs Koch is the teacher.  She gets it in her head I am not being socialized correctly.  And I was probably wasn't as not being beat was all I cared about.  Or was at least priority one thru five.  So she plays games with me.  Puts me up in front of the class to show crayon art.  I sucked at art.  Always have.  Don't care about doing it.  Other kids would boo me.  She was calling mom about this,  Which guess what, provoked more psycho bitch meltdowns.  And more beatings for me.  So I was present when Albert Erb fired this Koch woman.  Erb was telling her she couldn't call my psycho bitch Mom.  And Koch was babbling on about how I HAD to be socialized.  And Erb was trying to make her understand she couldn't provoke psycho bitch meltdowns like that.  So Erb tells her that he is terminating her contract.  And taking steps to have her teaching certificate pulled.  And she could just go down to arkansas and get another teaching certificate easier if she didn't fight it.  There was a little old man saying he was gonna call down to arkansas to try and prevent this.  Then Erb told her she had 5 minutes to get off school property.

Think this was the teacher that replaced Koch.  Woman maybe mid 50s.  Don't remember her name.  Giving  me 1 on 1 instruction at my desk.  I couldn't figure out what she was getting at, and kept pointing at the wrong answer.  So she raised her arm as if to strike me.  Scared the hell out of me.  Thought I was gonna take yet another ass kicking.  So I dived onto the floor, taking the chair and desk with me.  Making a racket Girls in the class see the teacher standing there with arm raised, and assume I had just had the crap knocked out of me.  The girls start screaming.  This was 2nd grade, because Mrs Patterson, the other 2nd grade teacher from accross the hall to ask what was gong on.  The other teacher starts crying, knowing she is in deep shit.  And takes me to the nurses office.  I got switched into Mrs Patterson's class.  But ask to go back, because my friends were there.  Erb tells the teacher she is gonna have her teaching certificate pulled.  Other students have statements taken

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