Friday, May 29, 2015

various memory fragments from 40 plus years ago

Remember a dude on the hill (square) throwing mom into another psycho bitch meltdown.  Which obviously resulted in yet another savage beating for me at her hands.

As previously mentioned, there was an undercurrent by some hard core christians in town.  So this guy provokes a beating for me.  And he is confronted by another dude.  I didn't know either of them.  So the dude who provoked the beating is in his car on the north side of the hill.  Guy #2 is ordering him out of town, not to come back.  Yelling "Git out of here!"  Then punches him thru the drivers side window.  Guy one floors his car, smokin the tires.  Never see him again.

Another memory frag.  Remember the preacher from one of the christian churches telling a guy who provoked a beating he couldn't attend this particular church anymore, because others in the church were pissed at him for provoking the beating.  The preacher goes on to tell him he needs to be in church somewhere, just not this particular church.  Because of the unrest he has caused.

Another memory frag.  Remember dad bitchin at mom because her psycho bitch meltdowns were the subject of a mass mailing to all high school students.  By this time, enough teens had pushed her buttons, and provoked many beatings for me out in public.  So the letter said anyone doing this from the high school as a student would be expelled.  If they threw mom into a rage.  So dad is giving her shit for being the subject of a letter like this.  Don't know how I avoided a beating over this one.

Another memory frag.  As I hit fifth grade, the beatings had pretty much stopped.  I suppose the reason could have been that mom had started to get her shit together.  However, my suspicion does not give her this much credit.  My gut tells me I was approaching the physical size to fight  back.  I was held back in first grade.  So I was a year older than the other kids.  By sixth grade I was as big, or maybe bigger than mom.  And when she was kicking my ass when I was 5, 6, or 7, there was no fair fight.  I just took the beating because she was so much bigger.  5th grade, I think she realized she could no longer just dominate me physically.  And maybe one day I might fight back with at least some success.  So my gut says this is the truth.

Another memory frag.  This was after the previously blogged trip to my dads side of the family to crane for some holiday.  Mom is in a psycho bitch slow boil.  I think she doesn't want to go to crane because she already doesn't get along with them.  So she is taking it out on me.  Starts coming up with some made up bullshit about "dead skin" behind my ears, because she said I wasn't washing there.  That was the only time I ever heard this was medically possibly.  So I am pretty sure it is just psycho bitch pissed off bullshit.  So she has me in the front seat with my head in her lap.  And she is trying to scrub off the dead shin she claims is there.  And it hurts.  So I am crying.  And this is after the child abuse (true) by Aunt Jean.  So dad doesn't want to show up at crane with me crying with the scrubbing.  So for only the second time I can think of dad stands up to mom, and tells her to quit.  He probably figured out she was pissed over having to go to crane and be around the people who had truly accused her of child abuse.  So first time dad tells her to quit, mom mouths back at him, and keeps going.  The second time dad says he would pull over.  So mom quit.  This was maybe ten minutes from crane.  So you could still tell I had been crying.  So of course I get questioned.  And cover, as I was coached.  Dad had fed me a line about the family had to stick together.  

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