Monday, August 24, 2015

LT Randall Kasamoto

So one day at hangar 282 Lt Kasamoto approaches me, with LT Candance Kelly present.  And starts talking to me about the "Wilson party"  in a delighted way.  As if he thought the "Wilson party" was cool, and that I had an idea of what he was talking about.  Lt Kelly looks at him asn tells Kasamoto that that subject is "classified", and that she is going to snitch him out to the VP-17 commanding officer.  Which was Commander Thomas T Verhoeff.  So obviously Kasamoto steps off.  What was the "Wilson party"???????

The only expanation I can come up with, and it is totally outrageous, but then again this entire scenario is totally outrageous and bizarre.  Expanation is I have other circumstantial evidence that the Morris clan offered $$$$$$ bribes $$$$$ to try and get their way.  So perhaps the Morris clan forked over $$$$$ for a party for the officers to cooperate in their stalking of Lisa Morris' declared soul mate.  Which was yours truly.

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