Friday, August 7, 2015

Navy corporate culture

If a married couple in the Navy stayed in base housing, that fell under the chain of commands jurisdiction.  And if a Navy guy shoved his wife around, a criminal act, the that was charged under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).  And he would face his CO in captains mast, of a court martial.  So the military is totally used to being involved in peoples marriage problems.

Separate point.  As a general rule, junior enlisted personal are under the age of 25.  And it takes time to work one's self into many senior ranks.  So over time a mentality has evolved in military senior ranks that they should supervise the less mature junior people in an informal way.  And from a certain perspective this makes sense.  I personally know of many immature acts committed by immature junior enlisted personnel.  Such as being under the influence of alcohol in the enlisted club.  And punching a cinder block wall due to anger over a conflict over a female.  More instances could be cited.  But I think the one example conveys the idea.

So I think one can use these factors in the military corporate culture to allow for the massive ration of shit I took over Lisa Morris.  Partially.   I will explain the other factors as needed.  

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