Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jimmy Morris

So after Lisa Morris steps off, Jimmy Morris keeps givin me a ration of crap at the instruction of his Daddy.  He would whine to me, as I still considered him my friend.  Yes he was just being a spineless little bitch taking orders from his dad.

He would say things like "I NEED you to do this for me".  With the emphisis on need.  Just like Steve Bradam did when he was being Mac McKinnis' little punk bitch.  He would also say "Please" over and over.  And my response was always "I'm not gonna do anything unreasonable for you any more than you are gonna do something unreasonable for me".  Then wait a few seconds, point at him and say "seriously".  Then wait maybe 30 seconds, and say "seriously" again.  He would say how his dad was taking crap off his ex wife, Jimmy's and Lisa's mom.

So I try and reinforce my point by telling Jimmy Morris I need an act of good faith to prove himself serious.  Then start making unreasonable requests of Jimmy.  Who didn't have a high school diploma yet had a well paying job running a Captain D's.  So I asked him to quit his job as an act of reciprication.  Of course he says no.  But kepr on being a one way Motherfu++>#.   And kept up his whiney begging like the little bitch he was.  I would get the blank look with no response when I made my obvious points by asking him to do something unreasonable for me.At one point his dad told me "welcome to the family", stating the goal that I was wanted to Marry Lisa.

Sometime after the "welcome to the family" statement by daddy Morris, Jimmy Morris offered me $1,000 to date Lisa for 6 months.  Point one, obviously, the Morris clan would not let me freely walk away after 6 months unless Lisa was through with me.  Point 2, after taking Lisa out for 6 months, how much of the $1,000 would be left.  Probably not very much if any.  So only an idiot would take that deal.

To steal a line from Rush Limbaugh, I continued to demonstrate the absurd by being absurd.  So I started telling Jimmy, "If your dad gets to decide who I'm with, then I get to decide who he is with.  We are moving Mertz (2nd wife) out of the house, and will pick his next wife".  Jimmy looks at me, and says, "they are married".  I tell Jimmy "if marriage was written in stone wouldn"t your mom and dad still be married?'.  So I start asking Jimmy over and over over a period of weeks when we are moving Mertz out.  He eventually tells me Mertz heard about it, and flew into a rage, and started screaming "I want that bitch (Lisa Morris) out of this house".  Jimmy's dad Bill Morris put Lisa in a hotel that night.

So Jimmy Morris stats asking me like a salesman over and over over for weeks, "what can I do to make you be with Lisa".  Kindda like a salesman might.  So to shut him up, I tell him he needs to drive Lisa to a local tv station, KY3 (NBC affilliate).  Call from a pay phone a few blocks away, tell them you are going to murder Lisa in their parking lot, then pull in the KY3 parking lot, take Lisa out of the car, and chop her head off with a samurai sword.  Then drive away, and flee to Mexico.  Later I say, no, not a samurai sword, a chain saw.

Around this time they quit riding me over Lisa.  So I thought the mess was handled.

Found out a couple of years later it wasn't handled        

Lisa Morris

So Lisa Morris was my 9th stalker.  Her dad my 10th.

Jimmy Morris and Steve Bradam musta been talking about me in front of Lisa.  No other explanation for what happened.

Jimmy Morris was my best friend on the face of the earth.  We were spending many hours together.  He was recovering from an accident.  I would pick him up at his house, but never go in.

So after a while Morris said he needed to spend more time with his family.  So I said I would catch up to him later.  He asked me to come in the house with him for the first time.  Looking back I was obviously set up.

This was May 1981.  I go in. Jimmy's younger sister Lisa was there.  The best I can remember, this was the first time I ever spoke to her.  Lisa says she just graduated high school.  So I said "congradulations".  A day or 2 later, I am back in their house.  Again invited in by Morris.  And Lisa starts telling me "you are my soul mate".  This is the 2nd time we have spoken in our lives.  What does an 18 year old girl mean by saying you are her soul mate.  Obviously she is saying marriage is what needs to happen.  All on the 2nd conversation.

So I tell her "forget about that", and "put that out of your head" as we repeat ourselves back and forth a few times.

This goes on like this a few weeks.  Jimmy asks me back to his house.  I say "no", Jimmy, "why".  Me, "I can't handle being around your sister".  Jimmy, "I'll take care of that". (lie).  I go back, and Lisa continues with the soul mate stuff.

So I ask Lisa if would be okay if I constantly asked her to do something she didn't want to over, and over, and over, and over.   I am surprised she said "no" here.  She should have smelled the trap and lied.  But she didn't.  So asked her to explain how it was okay for her to do to me what wasn't okay for me to do to her.  I got the recurring theme of a blank look and no answer.  Which happened with several people in this drama.

But she does continue with her soul mate talk.  So that's where I tell her she is screwing with me and I am really disappointed in her.  I tell her this a few times until it sinks in, and she asks if I want her to go to her room.  I say that is an excellent idea.  She leaves, and I don't see her again for years.

But her dad and Jimmy Morris continue to screw with me on her behalf.

I don't count Jimmy Morris, as it turns out he was just his dad's little bitch.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mac McKinnis

So Twila James calls Steve Bradam's mom, bitchin about Steve talkin in front of MJ like he did.  Makin her think she could jump on my back, and live a life of comfort.  So Bradam's mom goes to her husband, Bradam's step dad.  Mac McKinnis.  Initially Bradam told me "that's cool" when I told him I would have nothing to do with MJ.  Then Mac McKinnis starts tellin Bradam to "talk" to me.  And Bradam  starts talking to me.  Telling me he "needs" me to go be with MJ.  And I tell Bradam I'm not lettin him run my life.  Me have this talk several times.

So Mac McKinnis was my 9th stalker.  Bradam wasn't a stalker.  He was Mac McKinnis' little bitch.
So after Bradam said he "needed" me to do this enough times, I start tellin him he had to do anything I said for 6 months.  Starting with sucking Rodney masts dick on the hill (the square).  His mom actually told him to go ahead and do that.

After a few back and forths on this, Bradam tells me six months is too long.  I sternly say "2 years".  Then tell Bradam he will do a 25 man circle jerk on the hill.  With him as the pivot man.  And I will walk him around on a dog leash.  And I will point at men, and he will be  required to strip down, begin jackin off while squealing for the man to fuck him up the ass.

And Randy Mast will have to fuck him up the ass on the hill.

So Bradam tells Mac McKinnis "I'm not going to do this".

So Bradam calls me one to meet him on the hill at a specific time.  I show up, and Bradam says we were going to some park,  I had no interest, and for him to go on without me.  He keeps saying for me to come with him.  So I smell a rat, and start asking for his ulterior motive.  Then tell him I wouldn't go if he paid me to.  And head home.

And lo and behold, I meet Mac McKinnis coming out of my driveway.  Which is out of sight of the house.  The driveway is a quarter mile long.  So I get to the house.  I don't say anything to see if my parents will tell me what happened.  They don't.  So ask about Mac McKinnis.  They ask me why I didn't ask when I 1st got home.  I told them I was testing them.  And they failed.  They said Mac McKinnis, like Twila James, wanted me forced to be with MJ romantically.

So that ended the MJ thing.  At least in this form.  The subject of Twila James would become an issue a few years in the future when I was in the Navy.    

Twila James

So Twila James was my 8th stalker, and 4th psych bitch.  She asks to meet with me.  She has people there I don't know.  2 of which turns out to be an off duty cop, and his wife, the wife a friend of hers.  So She starts giving me a ration of shit.  Obviously trying to provoke me.  So I just refuse to be provoked.  Turns out she was trying to throw me into a violent rage so the off duty cop could legally kill me.

It turns out MJ wanted to be with me badly.  And this was the way she figured out to put the situation to bed.

One of MJs friends from Kansas City tried to do the same thing a few days later.  Obviously if I sensed BS before I would smell out BS later.  But for some reason it was tried.

So Twila goes to my mom/dad in an attempt to have me forced to submit to MJ in a romantic way.  Mom/dad already had their parental rights informally revoked by me years earlier in an unrelated situation.  And legally I was over 18.  So they had nothing to say in what I did or did not do.  And they knew it.  She winds up acting like Mrs Wilson (the music teacher), in the school hall.  Yelling that I should be "put in the class". Only Twila James was yelling "He has to be forced to".  As in forced to be romantic with MJ.  Mom/dad,just said no.  So Twila James offers to have sex with me.

I left out the part where she admitted to mom/dad she tried to have me murdered.  So I had been telling her to turn herself in for that during this whole showdown.  So I just kept repeating "just turn yourself in".  Then she started saying she would commit suicide.  And I added, "Take the easy way out, turn yourself in".  Then the offer of sex.  And I just said, "Take the easy way out, turn yourself in".  It was bizarre that Twila James would not only offer sex in order for me to be romantic with her daughter, but right in front of my mom and dad.  And yes, for the record Twila James was hot, and yes I was a virgin at the time.

The truly bizarre events just kept piling up in my life.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


MJ was one of the hottest chics in town in 1981.  Top 5 no doubt.  Was told she got a modeling gig in Kansas City for a newspaper ad.  Never did know her well.  She was the younger sister of a friends girlfriend.  No there was a couple of short social interactions there.  Which was pretty much it.  She was Steve Bradam's girlfriend.  Did not know her well at all.

So one day late at night I'm cruisin the home town.  No one was around.  Then MJ shows up.  Says she wants to "hang out" with me.  Which automatically sounds like a bad idea to me.  Reason number one is the baggage I had in that town.  Having been psycho bitch mom's whipping boy for her rageaholic meltdowns.  And having been held back in 1st grade and considered stupid.

Reason number 2 was that MJ had been dating Bradam for months if not years.  Which ccould have gotten me a stalker.

So I told her to "forget about that".  And "put it out of her head".  MJ pressed.  So I told her all I needed was Bradam coming after me.  She said over and over that wouldn't happen.  I finally told her I wasn't questioning how well she understood that.  I was questioning how well Bradam understood that.

So a week or 2 later Bradam tells me he wouldn't care.  I tell him that still didn't make me want to "hang out" with MJ.

And I thought this would end here.

I found out later thru deductive reasoning Bradam must have been talking about me in front of MJ, creating some type of desire to be around me.

Truly bizarre, as I explained in other posts, I was not ladies man material.

Truly bizarre situation unfolding here.  

Monday, July 27, 2015


It was not normal for a female to pay attention to me in a romantic way.  For a combination of reasons.

Reason #1.  I was held back in first grade.  And many considered me stupid.

Reason #2.  Poor personal hygiene.  No regular showering or brushing of teeth.

Reason #3.  Poor social skills.

Looking back, there was only one logical reason for the bizarre events that were to happen to me over the nest few years involving initially 2, then 1 female.  It was because Steve Bradam and Jimmy Morris said a bunch of stuff about me outside of my presence, and in the presence of these 2 females which led them to believe I would have a decent career with goof income.  Which, by the way, did NOT happen.  So these young ladies believed they could jump on my back, and I would carry them to a comfortable life.

The events that happened were bizarre because,  Number 1, the previously described bad reasons for woman to not want romantic involvement with me.   Reason number 2 is you can't really be in love with someone you haven't spent time with or talked to.

In later posts I will describe the bizarre things that happened to me as a result of what must have been due to Bradams/Morris' gum flappin about me behind my back.

To steal a line from the movie "Top Gun", Morris'/Bradam's mouths wrote checks their bodies couldn't cash, and they tried to force me to cash for them.  

Friday, July 24, 2015

Jimmy Morris and Steve Bradam

So I was held back in first grade.  So, with good cause, many in town believed I was stupid.  So Morris and Bradam had interactions with me that made them think I was not as stupid as others in town thought I was.

Disclaimer here.  Neither Bradam, Morris, nor me for that matter is  rocket scientist material.  The old legend of word traveling fast in a small town has truth in it.  So I had a couple of people tell me Bradam and Morris were telling people in town I wasn't as stupid as many believed I was.

As it turned out later Bradam and Morris were saying this in front of a couple of young girls.  Which turned out to have negative consequences for several of us in town.  A situation that would drag out for years.  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jimmy Morris

This woulda been the fall of 1979.  Was hangin out with Darren Banfield, who was killed in a car accident.

So Jimmy Morris invites me to go to the furneral with him, and his friends he was tight with. James Andrews and Steve Esterline.  So I did.  And I started runnin with this crew.  And eventually Jimmy Morris became the best friend I ever had.

This unleashed a chain of events that put me in a bad situation.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

strange situation

This situation happened when I was around 20 years old.  And no doubt fits the theme of this blog of strange things that happened to me.

As previously blogged, I was never a ladies man.  So I run into a woman.  Best guess late 20s or early 30s.  So she was older that me.  Starts talking to me sweetly.  Almost like she is flirting.  So I play along, even though she discloses she has children.  I was just seeing where it went.  And I didn't have to wait long.  She orders me to come over to her house and start working on a remodel.  Since no pay was mentioned, I assumed she intended for the pay to be the possibility of sex.  Of course I had exactly zero experience in carpentry.  Maybe she thought I did.  As my dad taught ag shop classes in high school.  I could see how someone might assume I knew my way around hammers and nails and boards.  I was better than a lot of people I knew at welding.  Which isn't saying much as I didn't know any professional welders.  Which is the one thing I did pick up in ag shop.  So maybe as word passed I could handle an arc and mig welder, maybe word got distorted.

Anywho, I told this woman I wouldn't be working on her house.  And assumed this would be the end of it.  Nooooo.  She starts calling me at home.  And I repeat myself to her several times I wouldn't be doing any work for her.  And money was never mentioned.  Not a single time.  So that reinforced my intuition it was all based on a possibility of sex.

So she tarts calling my psycho bitch mom.  Who tries to tell me to go work for this woman.  And I tell mom no also.  So mom sends dad to "talk" to me.  Every time a female paid attention to mom started having fantasies about me having a girlfriend or wife or whatever.

So I shut dad down by asking him, "So you are hiring me?".  Dad, "No".  S I next ask, "Do you work for free at the high school?".  Dad, "No".  And I reply, "Well neither do I, why am I standing here listening to this for?".     Dad shrugs, points at mom, and walks away.

Am not sumre this quite rose to psycho bitch level, or stalker level.  But weird none the less.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rock concert chick

musta been 16 or 17.  Around 77 or 78.  Can't remember if it was the REO Speedwagon concert or Foreigner.  Both of which were at Hammons Student Center.  Bought my ticket when I still had money in my pocket from my summer job.  Was broke by the time the concert rolled round.  Rode in with another teen from my hometown.  We were standing around in a group before the concert.  I was with my friends of course.  Standing by a rail overlooking the floor.  Not in our seats.  So this chick I didn't know comes up.  Turns out later she went to Parkview High School,  She walks up to me.  So I assume she wants to be where I'm standing to talk to someone.  I move around the perimeter of the group.  She follows.  We repeat the drill until I get annoyed, and ask her where she is going so I can get out of her way.  She reaches out and holds me in place, and starts giving me a spiel.  And pulls out a "Disco Sucks" pin.  I was wearing my best shirt.  And didn't want a pin hole in it.  So when I see she is about to put the pin in my best shirt, I start asking her to not do that.  She does it anyway.  Which pisses me off a little.  And kills any chance of romance.  Which it turns out was her objective.  So then she furthers my anger.  She starts asking me for a donation for the "Disco Sucks" pin she just put on my shirt.  After I asked her not to.  I politely tell her I have no money on me.  She keeps on asking for a donation.  And eventually I have my pockets pulled inside out.  And show her the inside of my wallet.  So the bitch has now embarrassed me in front of my friends.  So nothing is gonna happen between us.  Eventually a friend with me gives her 8 cents and she leaves.  This same friend admires the pin.  So I give it to him.  So the bitch comes back and starts bitchin about me givin the pin away.  So I told her she took money, it no longer belonged to her, and she had no room to bitch.  She left again.

So I forget about it.  And a few days later I am on the back 40 of our farm.  Mom starts yessling for me to come to the house.  I walk to shouting distance and ask what.  She says "phone".  I ask her to take a message.  She insists.  It was the same bitch from the concert.  Someone who knew me gave her my dad's name so she could look the number up.  And mom was ampin for me to have a girlfriend.  So the bitch starts askin if I would cruise Kearney the following weekend.  I told her I didn't cruise Kearney.  She keeps askin the same question over and over.  Mom is ampin, and is talkin to me while I'm on the phone.  So I stop the bitch and ask mom what????  Of course psycho bitch mom wants me to go on Kearney.  I tell her she says we kids get to make our own decisions.  Mom acknowledges this and shuts up.  The bitch keeps calling back.  Making her my 8th stalker.

Eventually I tell her to stop making the harassing phone calls or I will report her to the phone company.  Mom always stood and evesdropped on the calls.  So when that happened mom the psycho bitch starts screaming at me about being homosexual.

A few weeks later a guy I knew came up on the hill (square).  And starts asking about my girlfriend.  Over and over as I explain I had no girlfriend.  Turns out this is the dude who gave my stalker my dads name.  So I call him an asshole, and say I took shit from my parents, and he shouldn't give my number out.  He turns to his girlfriend, who knew my stalker from Parkview, and says he now has someone bitchin about him, and it's her fault.  And he is taking her home so she can find a new boyfriend.

Weeks later I am told this girl attacked my stalker in the hall of Parkview High School.  And that both girls received 10 day suspensions from school          

Monday, July 13, 2015

twilight zone events continue

And the twilight zone esque events in my life continued t roll on.  Got kicked out of high school in my senior year.  So I attended a GED study school in Springfield.  Then passed the GED.  And heard about a study school in the Springfield school district that allowed people to come in and bone up their academic skills.  And since I wasn't a huge academic success in school, I decided to take advantage.  A prerequisite to getting into to this study school was an appraisal test.  So I went in, and took the test.  With a room full of others.  I was asked to stay back.  And asked to take another re exam.  Now I ain't no rocket scientist material, but they weren't used to people doing that well.  Actually the test had a lot of World War II questions.  And one of my tertiary interests was WWII.  So I was able to kick the tests ass.  I didn't initially realize they suspected me of cheating.  So I gave it my best shot again.  And did well again as it was a similar WWII heavy test.  So they asked me to take a third test.  This time with several stall people walking around watching closely.  And the people watching reported "no cheating".  So then they pulled me in an office, and start explaining it is the schools' policy to not let people in who did that well.  But to try and get them a college scholarship.  No I knew full well I was weak on math and science.  Which is why I was there.  So I told them I wanted in their school.  We went back and forth, cause they had decided they didn't want me there.  So I said, "I came in here and took your test, either I'm in or out".  With hesitation they said I was in.  Some helper dude in the office starts givin me crap that I shoulda jumped on the scholarship.  And I asked him how it would be to my advantage to flunk out of college.  That shut him up.

So I'm in the study school, and the people runnin it don't want me there.  So they call my old high school principle.  Dean Crayton.  I had smoked weed and drank beer thru school, so crayton thought I was an out of control drug dealer.  Just a kid who smoked a joint and drank some beer on weekends.  So Crayton tells them I am dealing drugs out of their study school.  Which of course was utter bull crap.  So the people runnin the study school get a springfield detective in there on the sly.  And I walk in one morning, and the teacher tells me I have a new seat on the periphery of the classroom.  Away from everyone else. Next to a curtained off storage area.  Little did I know, the detective was hiding behind the curtain.  And a girl was standing there, who I didn't know.  I walk over, sit down, and start looking thru the books on the table that were placed there for me.  Which had never happened before.  I ignored the girl, who continues to stand there.  She says "Ask me out".  Which blew my mind.  I had no money to be taking a girls out with, and ignored her.  Mainly I was intensely shy around the ladies.   So she repeats "Ask me out".  And I continue to ignore her.  She loses her temper and starts yelling at me.  At that second the cop pops out from behind the curtain, and asks what's going on.  She says "He tried to rape me".  Which was a flagrant bold faced lie.  So I start bitchin at the cop about the obvious lie, which he was behind the curtain to overhear.  So he grudgingly admits the girl committed a crime.  But points out to me the girl is the daughter of the man in charge of the study school.  Which I didn't know from Adam.  And tries to talk me out of pressin charges.  And I am pissed over the lie, and refuse.  So then the cop tries to lean on me, and he thinks I am dealing drugs.  And since I am broke, don't even have a personal stash.  Or a bowl, or papers.  So I am clean.  So I keep pushin.  So the cop thinks he is playin his ace in the hole, and asks permission to search my pickup for drugs.  Or else he will get a search warrant.  So I allow the search.  Nothing is found.  So the people at the school, and the cops are standin there lookin like assholes of the year.  And I insist the girl be arrested for making a false accusation.  Which does happen.

Eventually the study school is shut down.  Probably for way more reason than what I describe here.      

Friday, July 10, 2015

Kathy B

This was tenth grade.  Kathy was my fourth stalker.  Diane Welsh was mt 5th stalker.  Started in basic business class.  Main typewriter operation.  So Kathy B had some slacks that showed her butt in a sexy way.  And being a 16 old male with a high sex drive, I stared as her ass.  So the word got around come around I was looking.  So Kathy B wanted a boyfriend.  Even I have did have not didn't shower of brush teeth often.  Which I never understood.  So when I refused to have anything, Diane Welsh tried to get Greg Blair and Rex Fender to kick my boss in order to force to date Kathy.  So Blair and Fender were my 5th and Blair were my 6th stalker. 

Eventually Fender accepted is was wrong for him to stalk me.  And he accepted that I had the right to say no to females.  And he told Blair he would testify against him in his parole hearing after he attacked me.  So eventually Diane Welsh and Kathy quit stalking, after that used Sherry Cotner to help stalk me also.  The main scene was when Blair and Fender confronted me behind the school. and threatened to kick my ass.  A whole ground was watching, expecting to see my beating.  But that is where I turned this into a debate about their right to force me to submit to psycho bitches.

Sherry Cotner tried to get me to join a debate team.  Which didn't happen. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mrs Wilson the music teacher

This could have been 8th grade, but believe it must have been freshman year.  I have always have an unusual voice.  Kind of high for a male.  So our music teacher was Mrs Wilson.  And she got it in her head she wanted me in our schools' chorus.  I assume because of my voice.  So she asks me.  And I absolutely hate the idea of being in chorus with all my heart and soul.  So she asks a bunch of times.  And I say no a bunch of times.

So Wilson goes behind my back to my psycho bitch mom.  So mom pulls me into the room with her piano.  And starts ordering me to sing while she plays.  I resist.  Because I hate o sing with all my heart and soul.  But mom forces me to.  So I play along, and get it over with.  A few minutes later mom calls me back in the room, and asks how I liked the whole singing session.  I told her, "You made me hate singing worse than I did before.  How is it okay for you to ram something down my throat that I hate, while it would never be okay for me to do it to you?".  She just sits there looking at me.  So I say, "I asked a question, you need to be talking right now.  I don't hear you saying anything".  Later I hear her talking on the phone to who I assume was Mrs Wilson, bitching that she "drove a wedge" between me and mom.  So that tactic didn't work for the music teacher.

So later, Between classes in school, the principal calls me aside.  Dean Crayton was the principle.  Andy Wilkerson, the guidance counselor was there.  And the music teacher, Mrs Wilson.  So Crayton starts asking me if I want to get in a music class under Wilson.  Obviously I say no, yet again.  So this is where I realize Wilson had become psycho bitch #5 for me, and stalker #3.  Wilson looks at Wilkerson and starts yelling "Just put him in the class".  Several times.  And Wilkerson responds "no" several times.  So Wilson did not have tenure.  So this is where Crayton looks at Wilson, and says, "You need to begin looking for another job.  I am not going to recommend you be offered another contract next year".

The last scene with this Wilson psycho bitch was out in the hall, again.  Allan Easterly, the art teacher's younger brother, and a student comes up to me.  This was the only time he ever spoke to me in the entire time both of us grew up in that town. He starts complaining to me about me getting Mrs Wilson fired.  My response was, "That fuckin bitch doesn't have the right to force me into chorus".  This is when Allan walks away.  And I see Mrs Wilson was standing behind him, so I don't see.  One of the woods sisters was standing there watching.  And I look at the psycho bitch, and say, "Yeah, that's what I said!".  And Wilson walks away.

Later, at home Dad tells mom I had gotten the music teacher fired.  Dad said it as if he were proud of me.  The only time I saw that.  Mom has this pissed off look cross her face while looking at me.  But she just walks away.          

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tommy Easterly

Tommy Easterly was a graduate of our school.  And returned to teach art.  He was okay I guess. He would turn on the local rock station while we worked on our art projects.  But he turned out to be a little to easygoing.  As in controlling his classroom.

The art classroom was in the junior high area, but was used for high school classes also.  So this was 8th grade.  In 7th grade I went out for football.  And as I was held back in first grade, I was older than the others in our class.  And as our family had hay equipment, and put up other farmers hay, I worked in the hay fields all summer.  And was thus not only bigger than most in our class, I was also stronger.  So I was able to push most of the other players on the team around.

However, my personal hygiene was very poor.  Not regular bathing, nor brushing of teeth, nor changing of clothes.

So females didn't pay much attention to me.  I was bottom rung on the social ladder.  Mostly due to personal hygiene.  Partially due to being considered dumb due to being held back in 1st grade.

So 8th grade.  Doing well on the football field, but not used to females wanting anything to do with me.  was sitting across the table from CS.  Whose father was a Greene County Sheriffs deputy.  So I had a big game on the field.  And had made a hard tackle on a kickoff return.  So hard I actually gave myself a black eye.  I could feel my brain sloshing around in my head.  The kid I tackled had to be taken off the field by the ambulance crew.  So the next day in class Karen Howard asks me about my black eye.  I tell her about it.  And say it is violent on the football field.  So CS overhears.  And starts talking to me.  It turns out Tommy Easterly comes over and sees CS is sitting in a puddle, and asks her if she peed herself.  But I think she must have become sexually aroused over the football talk.  And decided she wanted me as her boyfriend.

So the 8th grade dance is coming up.  CS asks me if I am going.  I tell her there is nothing there for me.  Because I couldn't dance A lick.  She tells me to meet her there.  I tell her I'm not going.  This scene repeats its self several times between then and the dance.   So I show up in art class the monday after the dance.  CS is yelling at me about how I didn't meet her.  And I said, "just like I told you I wasn't".  This is around the time she started openly attacking me in art class.  With Tommy Easterly ignoring the whole thing.  After it happened a few times Karen Howard went to easterly and complained about the attacks.  Nothing happened.  Then another person in out class was throwing a party, so CS starts ordering me to meet her there.  And I repeat I wasn't going.  And again the scene repeats its self a few times.  Again after the party CS again starts yelling about how I didn't meet her.  And again I repeat "just like I told you I wasn't".  Meanwhile the attacks had continued all this time.

CS tuned out to be psycho bitch #3, and stalker #2 for me.

So it's the school year goes on.  I am waking into art class.  CS hits me a few times, which had become routine. I keep walking away from her.  She runs up behind me hitting me in the back with a forearm shiver.  Which hurt.  So I swing my open hand back toward her.  Swinging the open hand.  Trying to swipe her away from her.  Still walking away from her.  Still with my head facing away from her.  By no means a planted punch.  I hear a scream.  CS is holding her jaw.  Easterly asks what's wrong.  CS speaks that her jaw hurts.  Easterly sends her to the school nurse.

I hear later CS's jaw is supposed to be dislocated.  I to this day question this as I was only swing my open hand in her direction.  And don't believe I hit her that hard.

So a few days later, Easterly tells me that CS's father, the GC sheriffs deputy asked Dean Crayton, the principle, to kick me out of school for ten days for hitting his daughter.  This is where Easterly figures out this could be trouble for him as he has been ignoring CS's attacks on me for months.  So Easterly tells Crayton about the attacks.  And that CS has responsibility for the events.  So one day in class Crayton calls Karen Howard, and another girls who sat in the area what happened.  And they told the truth about CS's assaults.  So Crayton tells CS's father he is considering suspending CS, not me for 10 days.  So that shuts up CS's father.  Meanwhile CS had been out of school for medical reasons, the jaw thing.  So Crayton says CS can't come back to school until CS is cleared by a shrink. So CS sees a shrink.  A female.  She says CS should be back in school.  Crayton asks me if it is okay if CS comes back to school.  I say "no".  So CS's shrink actually shows up at school and starts bitching at me right in the hallway, psycho bitch #4.

Finally Crayton allows CS to return to class, but with the requirement she runs the other way when she sees me in the hall.  So people would laughing tell me for the rest of my years in that school about seeing CS running down the hall. Then a few seconds later seeing me walking the same direction.  Guess Crayton wanted the $110 a day for each student paid by the State of Missouri.

So Crayton told dad I was being attacked in class, as my dad was a teacher.  Who in turn told my mom the psycho bitch.  Who got pissed.  And starts asking me over and over why I never said anything to her.  Obviously I had experience with mom picking kids outside the family over myself.  Like Charlie Jerimiah, and Mike Pomeroy.  So I figured mom would back CS.  Mom ends up giving Crayton so much shit Crayton goes to dad to ask me in Craytons presence to ask mom to chill out.  I was able to end this quickly by asking dad if he thought mom seriously listened to anything I said.  The obvious answer being no.  So finally Crayton brings Easterly up on one of those trials for tenured teachers in front of the school board.  Easterly hired an attorney.  And managed to keep his job.  Possibly because his Easterly father was a local farmer and respected auctioneer.

Easterly warned me to never take any of his classes again.  Like he isn't responsible for his own ignoring the attacks.

I will always respect Karen Howard for standing up for me at this time.          

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Obviously wit mom's psycho bitch temper, mom got pissed at dad a lot.  So the last few years, they were ot speaking more than they were speaking.  The fighting seemed to let up at the end.  And mom said later she decided to divorce dad a few years before she actually did.  And decided to wait until the youngest graduated high school.  Of course dads lying obviously contributed also.  It became obvious to me that he would lie in your face, and didn't care if you found out the lie.  So he cannot to this day be taken seriously for this reason.  He thinks he has respect coming.  But not for a habitual liar in my mind.  So anyway, the only reason I log this, is this created a lot of tension in the household growing up.

Monday, July 6, 2015

On the hill (the square)

Musta been 5 or 6.  On the hill (square) with mom.  She gets pissed and starts kickin my ass.  She slams me into the side of the family station wagon.  The inside of my cheek gets cut by my teeth.  So I am bleeding and spitting the blood out.  Mom is still kickin my ass.  Other adults on the hill say something about I may bleed to death.  So they pull Mom off me.  And put a paper towel in my mouth to stop the bleeding.  Mom was only pulled off me 2 or 3 times.  So this intervention was rare.  Usually people just watched.  Then everyone would stand around looking at each other.  Sometimes mom would say something about her getting headaches.  As if this was an excuse for her psycho bitch meltdowns.

There was a custodian named Lumley, last name.  He worked in the grade school.  From talking I overheard, Erb had him around me in case he wanted to overpower me.  One time Lumley tells Erb he doesn't want to help overpower me.  Which never did happen by the way.  Because he had daughters in school younger than me.  And he didn't want me deciding to take vengence on his daughters.

Years later when I was in high school, Lumley walked up to me.  And as near as I can remember this is the only time he ever addressed me directly, said "I have a lot of respect for you".  I assume he meant because of all the beatings I took off psycho bitch mom.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Bonnie Kaiser

Sixth grade.  Emma Lee Henderson, the preachers wife and my teacher, has another student in class, Bonnie Kaiser, a preacher's daughter, start trying to pump me for information on my mom.  Which I know will result in me taking a ration of crap off mom.  So I don't talk.

So Kaiser gets pissed.  As though Henderson is the ultimate authority.  And if Henderson says I am to tell her this, then that is the same as Jesus Christ instructing me to do so.  As a matter of fact she screamed this at me a few times.

She would follow me to the boys room door screaming at me.  So this makes Kaiser psycho bitch number 2 in my like.  And stalker number 1.  Yes there was more to come.  So Albert Erb sees her screaming at me.  And suspends her from school for three days.  She continues when she gets back.  So Erb gives her another 3 day suspension.  Her father the preacher comes in.  I am big for sixth grade as I was held back a year in first grade.   So Erb points at me, and asks her father how he would like me screaming at Bonnie.  Father says, "Oh no!".  Erb tells him it is unacceptable for her to scream at me also.   The preacher complains to Emma Lee Henderson for bringing his daughter into this situation.  Henderson says "I thought she was mature enough for this".  So the screaming continues.  Bonnie gets a 10 day suspension.  Then expelled after it doesn't stop.  So Bonnie is sent to live with a relative to attend school at another location.  And the whole Kaiser family moves out after the school year.  I assume because Bonnie is expelled.  Which is why Reverend Kaiser lobbied the school board not to renew Emma Lee Henderson's teaching contract.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Emma Lee Henderson

So Albert Erb is a hardcore christian.  He hires a new 6th grade teacher.  Who does he pick?  Another hard core christian.  One Emma Lee Henderson.  A preacher's wife from Marionville.  The preacher had previously been a missionary in Ecuador.

So obviously I end up in Henderson's 6th grade class.  In going with the theme of this blog, being in this class was truly a strange experience.  Henderson brought a record player into class.  And some albums.  Stuff I had never heard before.  So there was a girl in the class, who guess what, her father was a preacher in town.  Bonnie Kaiser.  So obviously this Kaiser chick gets preferential treatment.  And she can put on any album she wants.  So she has one with a song she likes.  And obviously she plays it often.  12, 15, 20 times a day.  For the ENTIRE school year.  By the end, I wanted to throw up over that tune.

First 3 days of class, Henderson spends going over the class rules.  Covers the entire chalkboard with her rules.  So the rules stay there the entire school year.  And the chalkboard never gets used for anything else the entire school year.

One of Henderson's rules was no chewing gum.  There was a kid in the class named Richard Rogers.  His parents was always letting him bring candy and gum to class.  And Richard would go ahead and chew his gum in class.  And Henderson would have these confrontations with Richard over the chewing gum.  Richard would refuse to spit it in the trash can.  Telling Henderson "That costs money!".  Eventually he would spit it out.  This scene was repeated several times.

Another time Richard had one of his toys at his desk.  Henderson was struggling with him to take it away from him to put it in the closet.  That scene struck me as hilarious.  So I am sitting there laughing out loud.  Henderson is still trying to pull the toy away from Richard, while looking at me in a way that made the scene even funnier.

Over half way thru the school year, Richard shoved Henderson in some type of argument.  So Henderson goes and whines to Erb.  And gets Richard put in another class.

In the fall, the school holds an open house.  And parents can check with their children's progress with teachers.  So I wasn't doing well.  And mom is headed towards my classroom to talk to henderson.  Of course Erb knows about mom's meltdowns.  So he is standing in the lobby talking to another parent.  Erb tells me to stay with him.  Mom yells for me to come with her.  Erb tries to override moms order, telling me to stay with him.  Mom yells at me again to come with her.  And again Erb orders me to stay with him.  Well I am forced to make the obvious choice.  Do I want to live with psycho bitch meltdowns because I didn't listen to her?  So I run away from Erb, and hear him politely excuse himself from the other parent.  Erb follows to the classroom.  So mom asks Henderson how I am doing.  Henderson tells mom she has been told that she is "emotionally unstable", and will not be able to discuss my progress with her.  But that she will discuss my progress with my father outside of her presence.  So mo is obviously pissed.  But by 6th grade the beating had stopped.  And I was a s big as mom.  So mom was obviously only going to attack someone unable to defend themselves.  So Erb tells Henderson "You did exactly what I told you not to do".  And sends her home early from the open house.  And tells her to report to his office at 6 am the next morning.  At which time he will have decided if she still has a job.  So mom is pissed.  And starts screaming "Fire her Erb!".  Henderson kept her job for the time being.

There was a few other kids who gave Henderson all the grief they could muster.  Steve Bradam.  Tim Clapper.  Who mounted a door stop in a sexual way.  Jimmy Morris.  At that very open house I saw Jimmy Morris taking grief off his dad over his desk put in the corner.  I saw Richard Rogers stick a wire in an electrical outlet, shooting out a fountain of sparks.

So Erb had told Henderson about my moms meltdowns.  So as a hardcore christian, Henderson makes it her objective to get me to snitch mom out.  Which isn't gonna happen.  I have been the object of moms rage too many times to risk anymore shit taking off her.  So Henderson starts calling me over to her desk, and ordering me to snitch.  And I refuse, over and over.  So one day Henderson orders me to Erbs office.  Erb isn't there.  So I sit there and eventually Erb shows up, and asks me why I am there.  I don't know and I say so.  Just that Henderson ordered me there.  So Erb, calls Henderson on the intercom.  Henderson says she wants Erb to beat the information out of me.    Erb tells Henderson "He has taken enough beatings".  And sends me back to class.

So Henderson asks to see the superintendent.  And asks to have my dad, who is also a teacher, to be forced to have a conference with her.  Apparently dad had been previously asked, and refused.  So dad shows up, and Henderson tells dad he is "morally obligated" to beat the information out of me.  Dad tells her he is not gonna be lectured by a teacher without tenure.  And walks away.  Dad had tenure by this point.

So Henderson tries a this with Bonnie Kaiser, the preacher's kid.  Which I will address in another posting.

So we get down to the last few days of school.  And Henderson calls Erb on the intercom.  And tells him she needs to sign a contract for the following year.  Erb comes up in person and tells her the school board voted not to offer her another contract.  So Henderson asks why, and Erb tells her his best guess is Reverend Kaiser got to the school board.  And Henderson is not his favorite person.  I will cover this in another posting.

So Emma Lee Henderson spends last 3 days of the school year crying, and telling us we are the reason she will never teach again.

Henderson wrote a bunch of weird stuff on my report card,  And when my mom saw it, she went down to Erb, and raised hell with him.  All Erb said was that Henderson  no longer taught there.
This was truly a strange experience that lasted an entire school year.