So after Lisa Morris steps off, Jimmy Morris keeps givin me a ration of crap at the instruction of his Daddy. He would whine to me, as I still considered him my friend. Yes he was just being a spineless little bitch taking orders from his dad.
He would say things like "I NEED you to do this for me". With the emphisis on need. Just like Steve Bradam did when he was being Mac McKinnis' little punk bitch. He would also say "Please" over and over. And my response was always "I'm not gonna do anything unreasonable for you any more than you are gonna do something unreasonable for me". Then wait a few seconds, point at him and say "seriously". Then wait maybe 30 seconds, and say "seriously" again. He would say how his dad was taking crap off his ex wife, Jimmy's and Lisa's mom.
So I try and reinforce my point by telling Jimmy Morris I need an act of good faith to prove himself serious. Then start making unreasonable requests of Jimmy. Who didn't have a high school diploma yet had a well paying job running a Captain D's. So I asked him to quit his job as an act of reciprication. Of course he says no. But kepr on being a one way Motherfu++>#. And kept up his whiney begging like the little bitch he was. I would get the blank look with no response when I made my obvious points by asking him to do something unreasonable for me.At one point his dad told me "welcome to the family", stating the goal that I was wanted to Marry Lisa.
Sometime after the "welcome to the family" statement by daddy Morris, Jimmy Morris offered me $1,000 to date Lisa for 6 months. Point one, obviously, the Morris clan would not let me freely walk away after 6 months unless Lisa was through with me. Point 2, after taking Lisa out for 6 months, how much of the $1,000 would be left. Probably not very much if any. So only an idiot would take that deal.
To steal a line from Rush Limbaugh, I continued to demonstrate the absurd by being absurd. So I started telling Jimmy, "If your dad gets to decide who I'm with, then I get to decide who he is with. We are moving Mertz (2nd wife) out of the house, and will pick his next wife". Jimmy looks at me, and says, "they are married". I tell Jimmy "if marriage was written in stone wouldn"t your mom and dad still be married?'. So I start asking Jimmy over and over over a period of weeks when we are moving Mertz out. He eventually tells me Mertz heard about it, and flew into a rage, and started screaming "I want that bitch (Lisa Morris) out of this house". Jimmy's dad Bill Morris put Lisa in a hotel that night.
So Jimmy Morris stats asking me like a salesman over and over over for weeks, "what can I do to make you be with Lisa". Kindda like a salesman might. So to shut him up, I tell him he needs to drive Lisa to a local tv station, KY3 (NBC affilliate). Call from a pay phone a few blocks away, tell them you are going to murder Lisa in their parking lot, then pull in the KY3 parking lot, take Lisa out of the car, and chop her head off with a samurai sword. Then drive away, and flee to Mexico. Later I say, no, not a samurai sword, a chain saw.
Around this time they quit riding me over Lisa. So I thought the mess was handled.
Found out a couple of years later it wasn't handled
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