Around first or second grade. Albert Erb learned of a cop from St Louis who specialized in kids. Wanted me to snitch on mom. Which for me meant more beatings. "snitches get stitches". So the guy shows up. And of course I know better than to snitch. So I ask him if he is going to attack me. He says Erb will. So eventually the cop gives up. Erb comes back. And I ask Erb when is he gonna attack me. He asks who told me that and I point at the cop. So the cops says he is going back to St Louis. Erb tries to get him to stay. The cop says he doesn't have unlimited time. He has a search warrant to serve the next morning. Turns out Erb let him stay in his house the night before. And paid his gas. So Erb takes him down to the MFA gas station to fill his tank for the return trip to St Louis.
Erb is hard core christian. So one day Erb brings in the preacher from his church. And of course starts talking jesus to me. Mom had already started shifting towards sacred name religion that was more like the Jewish faith than the christian faith. So if I started telling this christian preacher I liked jesus, I could easily get another savage beating off mom. So I tense up. A lady senses my tension. And tells the preacher he is violating the law. "harassment of a child". The preacher gets pissed and leaves. Erb bitches at the lady for offending Erbs personal preacher.
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