Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Remember a guy and his wife witnessing one of my savage beatings at my mother's hands.  SI have no idea who they were.  So they show up at another time.  And the woman starts weeping while complaining to my mother about her actions.  Obviously this just throws mom into a psycho bitch meltdown, and I get my ass kicked yet again.  The woman's husband gets her out of there.  A third time, this time husband is not there.  Again the woman starts weeping and complaining to mom.  And I take another beating.  One of the couples' male friends is there.  So he asks to use the phone.  And gets permission.  Calls the weepy woman's husband, who tells the guy to get her out of there.  Which he does.  So the whole crew shows up at the elementary school one day.  And asks Albert Erb to see me.  So Erb allows them to talk to me.  Erk tells them he is allowing this "against his better judgement".  By this time I am afraid of pretty much all adults and think they are going to attack me.  So I ask them not to kill me.  And Erb orders them off school property.  So they take off.  Erb orders the custodian to get their tag number for the cops.  Of course while the crew was trying to apologize for getting my ass kicked, the woman was weeping.    

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