I remember various people "talking" to mom about her sins. And provoking more beatings for me. And sometimes another hard core christian would tell the original offending hard core christian, "you got that child beat". "you just stood there and watched".
There was one time mom was being spoken to by a local christian preacher. And I was fully expecting yet another ass kicking. And mom actually responded to the counseling. Saying, "I get so mad". So the preacher tells her to ask jesus to take her anger away. And mom had started to develop her old testament views. And told him she didn't accept jesus as the son of God. So the preacher tells her to ask God to take her anger away. I was truly surprised I didn't take a beating that day.
I remember hard core christians telling another hard core christian who had provoked yet another beating for me at mom's hands that they were "terrorizing children". So perhaps this is why eventually, by 4th or 5th grade, hard core christians quit confronting mom over her sinful action.
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